Thursday, July 30, 2009

A question for my readers

Hello, all. I have been in prayer seeking the Lord's guidance on what to share here on my blog. As I have been led to be quiet and still and wait for the Lord's lead.... it came to me today... the nudge to ask those of you who read my blog, who are Christians, "what" you would like me to share that may help you in your witness to the LDS or perhaps help you to better understand their theology or culture.
So please, if there is a question you have had on your heart, but haven't been comfortable in asking your LDS friends, or if there is something you would like to better understand, please leave a comment.
I also invite LDS readers, is there something you wish to ask me concerning Biblical teachings, etc. I invite both LDS and Christian readers to please feel comfortable dropping me a comment and letting me know if there is something you wish to see discussed in more detail here.
This is something I have felt nudged by the Lord to do, so please feel comfortable sharing.

I look forward to hearing from you,



  1. My best friend just left on him mission to peru. It honestly is heart breaking. do you have any advice on how i can minister to him through letters? to help understand who the real Jesus christ is?

  2. My question for you: I'm curious why you separate "LDS" from "Christian"? What's your definition of "Christian"?

    How Do You Define A "Christian"?

  3. Hi, clean cut. Always nice to hear from you.
    I think you know the answer to the question you posed to me, so I will save you your time in explaining. :)

    Kind regards,

  4. I really don't know the answer. That's why I asked. By separating "LDS" from "Christian", it seems like you're inventing a private definition of a Christian, despite the public definition as those who follower or profess Jesus Christ as Savior and Son of God. Surly, you as a former LDS can recognize that there are significant senses that LDS are Christian, so separating the terms without putting any special modifier in front of "Christian" isn't very helpful. That is, unless, you actually WANT to give the impression that there is absolutely NO sense in which LDS are Christian. (Which is, frankly, an intellectually indefensible position to take).

  5. Whether we discuss this on your blog or on mine doesn't matter to me. I just appreciate you being willing to have a respectful conversation about this.

  6. I have an lds friend that is increasingly involved with the church. She is married to a non-member (i.e. a Methodist) but they no longer live together due to his work taking him out of country. She and I have become good friends and I've been invited to several lds church activities by her family members. I often wonder if this is a ploy to evangelize me or just a sincere invitation to join in on some fun? How far do I go in accepting my friend's differing opinion of Christianity without making it look like I approve?
    These are the tough questions for me.

  7. Hi, clean cut. As always, I appreciate hearing from you. :)

    I share my response to you on your blog for your convenience.

    Kind regards,


Hello and thanks for taking time to read my blog and for leaving a courteous comment.:) May God bless you!!

~ gloria ~