Monday, August 24, 2009

My child has decided to serve a Mormon mission, now what?

Recently, a reader left a comment here on my blog. His daughter was soon to leave on a Mormon mission. He asked "what" he could tell her before she left. This young woman's father was a former Mormon, now redeemed by God's amazing grace. He loves his daughter and is concerned for her.

After pondering upon this situation and giving it some prayer, I wanted to offer some encouragement to this dad. :) Perhaps there are other Christian readers who are in a similar situation, with a child or loved one getting ready to go on a Mormon mission.

First of all, I would encourage this dad and any others to PRAY! I can not encourage that enough. Pray that God will give you the words to speak. Pray that God will give you the grace to love that person in spite of their choices, and pray for the wisdom to speak and share God's word with them. Pray for opportunities to share the Good News! Pray for their hearts to be softened and for their eyes to be opened. Pray that they will be receptive , when the time comes to what you may be led to share! In short PRAY!!!!!

I have shared here recently, about a young LDS woman I have been praying for. She recently was sent to the Midwest on a Mormon 18 mos proselytizing mission. I have been praying daily for her. God , has answered my prayers in amazing ways!!!! She has been meeting with a christian pastor each week and he has been teaching her about Jesus. She has also befriends born again Christians who have opened their home to her, shared the love of Jesus with her and a meal too! :) I am just floored by how God is working!! I am praying daily that God will use believers to share the truth with her in love and with boldness. I believe God will do a great work in her while she serves her Mormon mission. God is not restricted by the situations around Him, folks. That means He can save Mormons while they serve a Mormon mission ! I have personally read the testimonies of young Mormons who were saved while serving a Mormon mission and then came home and left the Mormons and embraced Christianity. Friends, it is possible! Our God sits on the throne and He is still in the miracle business!!

Never ever ever underestimate the power of prayer, friends!!!!!!

Secondly, I would encourage this father and others to really show forth LOVE. Love is a huge thing. I think we underestimate it's power in the lives of the lost. When we reach out with love, hearts are softened....... minds are opened...... ears become receptive. Let your Mormon friends see that love. Genuine love. Show them the defining fruits of the gospel of Jesus Christ -- LOVE.
They will know we are Christians by our love. I love that song!!! We sing it often in our home!

For this dad who is worried about his daughter -- I encourage you to love her!!!! Write to her when she leaves and just tell her how much you love her, and are praying for her.Let her never doubt your love for her. Let it be an unconditional rock in her life!

Friends I know it's easy to become frustrated with our LDS family and friends. But let's remember, God calls us to love. Sometimes that can be tough. Sometimes , they are hard to love.
Believe me, I understand..... but God calls us to love one another. He didn't not say "love only believers". He said to love everyone.

Finally, when the time is right and the Holy Spirit directs, share the truth we know and hold dear. Share the good news! Plant those seeds of grace. Perhaps you are discouraged, thinking they won't listen.... won't receive. Friends, one never knows. God calls some to plant seeds, some to pull the weeds, some to till the soil and some to harvest...... it's rare that any of us would see the entire process all the way thru with a lost soul. Most of the time, we get to do one of the above... plant a seed, or weed, or harvest........ all are important.

I want to encourage this father and others to PRAY, LOVE & when the time is share the good news!! God is more concerned about your lost loved one than we are!! He wants them saved and safely in His kingdom more than we do!

Entrust HIM with your loved ones that are lost.

He is still the God who saves.

It is HIS work.

We can trust that He will complete the good work He has begun in their lives ~

And remember, I am praying for you too!!!!!!

God bless,



  1. I too, will pray for the Lord to grab a hold of your daughter, and free her from the bonds of false religion.

  2. "Love is a huge thing. I think we underestimate it's power in the lives of the lost."

    I agree wholeheartedly. Until someone is ready to respond to the invitation, "Come, let us reason," all the logical arguments in the world will not avail. You earn the right to be heard when you show someone the love of Christ, without being defensive.

  3. Hello, Connie. Thanks for taking time to stop by my blog and share your thoughts. I echo your sentiments.
    I wish you all the best in your new writing project! Sounds very very interesting!

    God bless,

  4. Gloria, What a great post! You are wise and I love you to pieces!

  5. Gloria, Thanks for the great post. I really needed to hear this. I to know how hard it is, sometimes they are hard to love. My wife is a Mormon and every day i try to share God's good news.

    Thank You

  6. What an awesome blog!!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!! I'm so thankful to have been rescued from mormonism...

  7. Dear Bryant ~~~

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for leaving your comment. I completely understand what it is like to be married to a LDS. Continue to love her, show her the love of Christ and continue to pray for her!!! God is able to save. I will be praying along with you for your wife's salvation!

    Hang in there & God bless!


  8. Hi, wendy! I am glad to hear you enjoyed my blog. :) So glad to "meet you" on MIT. I hope that you continue to grow in your love & knowledge of the Lord! He is so good!!!


  9. I'll pray for you and your son. handmaiden


Hello and thanks for taking time to read my blog and for leaving a courteous comment.:) May God bless you!!

~ gloria ~